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New Template System in v1.0.3, and Other Improvements

Version 1.0.3 was pushed out to the WordPress plugin repository a few minutes ago, and it includes quite a few small bug fixes and one major new feature: customizable templates.

For this version, there is just one template that can be modified, but others will be added very soon. In this version you can now customize the shopping cart that is shown on the checkout page by coping the includes/templates/checkout_cart.php file to a folder in your theme’s folder called edd_templates. Doing so gives the theme developer complete control over the output and layout of the checkout cart, while retaining complete upgrade ability.

The new system works the same way that child themes do, where the template file is first looked for inside of the current theme, and, if found, it is used, but if it’s not found, the default template provided by the plugin is used instead.

Other updates include:

  1. improvements to the Download Configuration metabox

  2. a new “Agree to Terms” section in the Misc settings, for display on the checkout page

  3. several new action hooks, for use by developers

  4. an improved system for secure file downloads

  5. addition of .epub files to the list of accepted mimetypes

  6. improved checkout registration form

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